Add-Type -Assembly "System.IO.Compression.FileSystem" [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory(($pwd).path + "", ($pwd).path)
Category: File System
Connecting to FTP using TLS without a certificate check
lftp -e 'debug 10;set ftp:passive-mode on; set ssl:verify-certificate no; set ssl-allow true; ls; bye;' -u user,passwd
Restore correct ownership on a domain folder and all its contents
INFO=($(MYSQL_PWD=`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` mysql -uadmin psa -sN -e'SELECT h.www_root,s.login FROM domains d, hosting h, sys_users s WHERE AND AND""')); chown -R ${INFO[1]}:psacln ${INFO[0]}; chown ${INFO[1]}:psaserv ${INFO[0]}
Starting from Plesk 17.8 it can be done easier
plesk repair fs
Find files the user cannot read
sudo -u the_user bash -s "find /path/to/directory ! -readable"
Extract an .msi file
msiexec /a C:\path\to\the.msi TARGETDIR=C:\path\to\extraction\dir\ /qn
Show permissions for a file and all parent folders
function namei { If ( $args[0] -eq $null ) { $path = ($pwd).Path } Else { $path = $args[0] } If ( -not (Test-Path -Path $path) ) { echo "Path does not exist" return } While ( $path -ne "" ) { $acl = Get-ACL -Path $path echo $path "`r`n" ( $acl | Select -Property Owner,Group | FL | Out-String ).Trim() $acl | Select -Expand Access | Select -Property FileSystemRights,AccessControlType,IdentityReference,IsInherited | FT $path = $path | Split-Path } }
namei C:\Windows
Show permissions for a file and all parent folders
namei -om /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Move and overwrite all files in destination, including hidden
rsync is required
option might be used to check what actions will be performed by rsync, without actually running them
rsync -av --remove-source-files /src/ /dest/